Henna tattoo has been a tradition for millennia. Henna is paint on the skin. The tradition of the idea for a temporary Henna tattoo goes back to the religious rituals of the Asian and Arabian tribes. The drawing has a variety of stylish features with colors that are regional. In Arab countries, Henna tattoos are drawn mainly on the wrists and ankles. The Indian tradition is based more on lines and dots that usually cover the hands, arms, legs and thighs. However, the African tattoo goes beyond simple and relatively larger geometric patterns in an abstract nature.
In the begin, henna was used as a natural protection from heat. Small areas of the skin were appli to the skin on the surface of the skin, which helped cool the human body in particularly warm weather.
Tattoo technique : In the henna skin decorative technique, the upper layers of the skin are dyed. So the drawings remain on the skin after the used plant color dries and then falls off the skin. Usually, the skin stays discolored for 1 to 3 weeks, while a henna tattoos deteriorates on average 10 days. The average dry time for henna is about 15 minutes. After that, the color should work on the skin for 3-4 hours. The longer it works, the more intense the final color will change.
How is the color of Henna overcome? Henna is a planed plant whose leaves are ground and mixed with water and an acidic substance, e.g. lemon juice or strong tea is mixed. Because henna is extracted from plants, it is completely harmless to the skin and body. Henna is also safe for pregnant women as it does not affect the baby’s body. Many women get a temporary Henna tattoo on their stomach during pregnancy. In some cultures, children’s bodies are also decorated with a temporary Henna tattoo.
What color is the henna tattoo? There are basically three colors of henna – black, red and white. However, the colors have small variations after the used henna dries completely. With black henna, the color remains almost unchanged. Red Henna stays red, but the color turns darker after a few days. White Henna changes color to slightly brownish-reddish. Color options vary depending on skin color. It’s good to know that some other color that is sold in Henna color actually gets artificial, i. It contains chemicals that can be dangerous to the skin.
Henna tattoos are suitable for every skin color. They look beautiful on both lighter and darker skin. Because henna is better absorbed into skin types, it may look more striking for some skin types. However, a henna tattoo is a symbol of beauty and is meant for everyone.
Since henna also acts as a sunscreen, it is also helpful to get a henna tattoo in the summer. For those who like brown, it’s probably curious to know that beautiful Henna tattoo cords keep skin clear. To take advantage of this, a tattoo would be the best option, let the henna work for 3-5 days and only then tan. So you can enjoy three different levels of color formation: once there is Henna on the skin, then brown on the Henna tattoo, and then on the skin tattoo lines when the Henna disappears from the skin completely.