My capstone library


I’ve been a student for the last four years and I’ve just completed my capstone project. The goal of my project was to create a library that would serve as a resource for my classmates and myself. In this blog post, I will share with you what went into creating this library and how you can create something similar for your own needs. From finding resources to designing an online catalog, read on to learn everything you need to get started.

What is a Capstone Library?

A capstone library is a type of library that helps students complete their degree. It may be a physical library, or it may be a virtual library. A capstone library may provide resources for coursework, research, and other activities related to completing a degree.

How to design a Capstone Library

Choosing a Capstone Library Design Approach
There are many different ways to design a capstone library. You can choose the approach that is best for you and your school. Here are some tips on choosing an approach:
Decide what you want your library to do.
Think about what your students will need to complete their capstone project.
Think about what resources you already have on campus.
Think about how you can make the library more user-friendly.
Choose a library design approach based on these considerations.

One popular way to design a capstone library is called the “knowledge commons model” (KCM). The KCM is a network model where students can access shared resources from anywhere in the network. This makes it easier for students to find the information they need and decreases the amount of time they spend traveling between different parts of the library. The following steps outline how to create a knowledge commons using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010: First, create an organizational unit (OU) in SharePoint called “Capstone Libraries” or something similar. Next, create four collections within this OU: Core Collection, Course Collection, Project Collection, and Reference Collection. Each collection should have at least five items in it, including at least one item from each category outlined earlier (Core Collection – course materials, Course Collection – class materials, Project Collection – project materials, Reference Collection – research materials). Next, add site content types to

The Types of Materials That can be Included in a Capstone Library

A capstone library is a collection of materials that can be used to help students complete their degree or certification program. It can include books, journal articles, electronic resources, and more. The type of material in a library depends on the program being completed. For example, a law school may require more legal texts than a business school.

Some common materials that are included in libraries for undergraduate and graduate students include:
-Books: This includes both fiction and non-fiction texts.
-Journal articles: These can be from academic journals or magazines.
-Electronic resources: These include online textbooks, e-books, databases, and more.
-Manuals and handouts: These can be from course syllabi or other educational materials.

How to Evaluate Materials Included in a Capstone Library

Materials that may be included in a capstone library vary depending on the project. However, most libraries typically include items such as books, articles, case studies, videos, and simulations. Evaluation of these materials will depend on the specific needs of the project.

Books can be evaluated for their content and how well it is relevant to the project goals. If the book was specifically written for a capstone project, it may be more valuable than if it is not specifically tailored for this type of learning. Articles can also be evaluated for their appropriateness to the topic and how well they are rooted in research. Case studies can help students understand how businesses or organizations function and how best to approach similar challenges. Videos can teach concepts in an engaging way and simulations can help students practice skills in an realistic setting.

Overall, evaluation of materials included in a capstone library depends on the specific needs of the project. However, one method that often works is to ask students what they think is important and useful when studying a particular topic or skill set.


As you may have noticed, there are many different types of capstone libraries available online. While some libraries are more comprehensive and offer a greater selection of materials than others, all libraries provide students with the opportunity to learn about specific topics in depth. In addition to accessing library materials, it is important for students to form study groups and use collaborative resources, such as discussion boards or wikis, to help them maximize their learning experience. Thank you for reading this article and I hope that it has been helpful!

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