It is not only in France that we celebrate national days. We invite you today to discover a purely American day, the “National Boyfriend Day“, because it is of great importance across the Atlantic. This clarification takes on its full meaning if we try to translate the title into French.
National Boyfriend/Girlfriend Day?
In these troubled times when we are trying at all costs to erase the notion of gender from the collective unconscious, it is refreshing to realize that we are still celebrating a day dedicated to your “darling” for the boys or to your ” darling” for girls.

[note: the rest of this presentation is freely translated from the American site dedicated to the event]
What makes your boyfriend extra special?
Like a good friend, a boyfriend supports your dreams and ambitions?
Often there is an unexplained attraction.
Does his character make you want to be a better person?
We describe our boyfriends with a variety of words: energetic, creative, affectionate, kind…
Maybe your boyfriend is a bad boy or a handsome geek.
But no matter what type your boyfriend is, celebrate him all day!