Telephone country and area codes – Australian Government

The Australian Government provides a telephone country and area code lookup service to help you find the telephone number for a specific country or area.

Telephone country and area codes

Telephone country and area codes
The international country code for Australia is 61.
When calling from outside Australia, leave out the leading ‘0’ from the STD area code or from the mobile telephone number.
The outgoing international access code from within Australia is 0011.
The Australian National White Pages lists telephone numbers by location and name,
while the Yellow Pages lists business telephone numbers by category.
You can also reverse search telephone numbers to find out who has been calling you.

When calling an Australian number from overseas, you need to dial the country code (61), followed by the area code (without the leading ‘0’), and then the local number.
For example, to call a Sydney number from overseas, you would dial +61 2 xxxx xxxx.
To call a mobile number from overseas, you would dial +61 4xx xxx xxx.

The Australian country code is 61.
The Australian international access code is 0011.

To call Australia from overseas, dial the international access code for your country, followed by 61, then the area code (without the leading ‘0’) and the local number.
For example, to call a Sydney number from the United Kingdom, you would dial 00 61 2 xxxx xxxx.
To call a mobile number from the United Kingdom, you would dial 00 61 4xx xxx xxx.

What are the telephone country and area codes for Australia?

The telephone country code for Australia is 61. The Australian country code is 61. The Australian international dialing code is +61.

The Australian area code table below shows the various city codes for Australia. Australia country codes are followed by these area codes. With the complete Australia dialing code, you can make your international call.

your dialing code is determined by your location. If you are calling from within Australia, you do not need to dial the 0 or +61 country code.

To call Australia from another country, dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, followed by 61 (the country code for Australia).

For example, if you are in the United Kingdom and you want to call a phone number in Perth, you would dial 00 (the exit code), followed by 61 (the country code), followed by 8 (the area code), followed by the local eight-digit phone number.

The exit codes and country codes used when calling Australia from abroad are as follows:

Exit code: 00
Country code: 61

When calling Australia from another country, you will need to dial:

00 + 61 + [area code] + [local number]

For example, when calling from the United Kingdom, you would dial:

00 + 61 + 8 + [local number]

Where can I find a list of telephone country and area codes for Australia?

There are many reasons why you might need a list of telephone country and area codes for Australia. Perhaps you are planning a trip and need to make sure you have the right codes for making calls home, or maybe you are trying to contact someone in Australia and need to know what their area code is. Whatever the reason, there are a few different places you can find this information.

The first place to look is the Australian government website. They have a comprehensive list of all the country and area codes for Australia, as well as a search function so you can easily find the code you need.

Another great resource is the website of the International Telecommunication Union. They also have a list of all the country and area codes for Australia, and their website is very easy to use.

Finally, you can also find this information in many travel guides or online. A quick search should bring up a number of results, and you can then choose the one that looks most comprehensive or easy to use.

How do I dial a telephone number with a country and area code from Australia?

When you make a phone call to another country, you need to dial the exit code of your country first, followed by the country code, followed by the area code (if there is one), and then the local phone number. For example, if you are calling a phone number in Australia from the United States, you would dial 011 + 61 + the Australian area code and local number.

The exit code is the code you need to dial to get out of your current country’s phone system. For example, the exit code for the United States is 011. The exit code for Australia is 0011.

The country code is the code that identifies the country you are trying to reach. The country code for Australia is 61.

The area code is the code that identifies a specific geographic region within a country. Australia is divided into a number of different area codes, depending on the state or territory you are trying to reach. For example, the area code for Sydney is 02.

When calling a phone number in Australia, you need to dial the exit code of your country first, followed by the country code (61), followed by the area code (if there is one), and then the local phone number.

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