Anyone engaged in the arrangement of furniture in your home, consider what size should be his bed. The question is equally relevant, if the bedroom is very small, and the large dimensions of the rooms make it possible to place a large sofa bed in it.
The Dimensions Of The Largest Bed In The World
- Contents of the article
The Dimensions Of The Largest Bed In The World
- What Is The Biggest Bed
- Who Owns The Biggest Bed In The World

In the world famous Guinness Book of Records is among the largest bedding products is recorded, the length of which is almost 23 and a half meters (23.47 m.). Figure width reaches 14.17 m. This masterpiece of fine art furniture was developed as a joint product of the company, “Mark Herrick” and “Products” of Royal Sleep in the United States.
The biggest bed
What Is The Biggest Bed
Speaking of the most expensive items of furniture, their value can be compared with the most incredible masterpieces. The most expensive recognized space bed with a canopy called Supreme Baldacchino, which is estimated by experts at the fabulous sum – 6300 thousand dollars.
e bed is designed by designer Stuart Hughes from Great Britain, in collaboration with the Italian brand Hebanon. To create a stylish object 3 expensive types of wood were used furniture: cherry, chestnut and ash. The product is decorated with a large graceful canopy exclusive decor in 107 kg of pure karat gold with 24 panitirovaniem. The canopy is made of an expensive Italian silk and cotton. The back is decorated with diamonds and other precious stones.

The highest cost – Magnetic bed Floating bed, which is estimated at $ 1.6 million. Lodge is unique in that it seemed to hover in space, of which 680 kg was used magnets. In addition, the bed is held together by cables.
Double bed
Who Owns The Biggest Bed In The World

Hotel Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam, you can see the largest bed in the world. The length is almost 6 meters. The width is 4 meters. Relax on the sofa for the whole family can further away. hotel employees said the bed can accommodate 8 people.
At present, this bed is considered the largest, and it is located in Lloyd Hotel property of the hotel in the world.